
Cost Cutters is a full-service hair salon in Southbury, CT that offers quality men's and women's haircuts, hair styling, and color services at an affordable price. At Cost Cutters, you'll be treated to a salon experience that is a step up from your regular hair cut routine, no matter if you're there for a quick trim, a new, short hairstyle, or just a twist on your current look.

Cost Cutters is one of the Signature Style Salon brands, a collection of regional and national salons featuring highly trained, professional stylists providing a full range of hair services. The Signature Style Salons also present a wide range of professional haircare products, including shampoos, conditioners, styling products, and more.


Store Hours

Monday: 9AM-7PM
Tues: 9AM-7PM
Wed: 9AM-7PM

Thurs: 9AM-7PM

Fri : 9AM-7PM

Sat: 9AM-5PM

Sun: 10AM-3PM


(203) 267-7117


100 Main St N,
Southbury, CT 06488